PRESS RELEASE: CFCSA Achieves Significant Milestone with 10,000+ Active COR® Certified Firms (PDF)
COR® is an occupational safety and health accreditation program that verifies a fully implemented safety and health management system which meets national standards. The objectives of COR® are to provide industry employers with effective tools to develop, implement, assess, and promote continual improvement of their safety and health management system to prevent or mitigate incidents and injuries as well as their associated human and financial costs.
COR® is nationally registered, trademarked and endorsed by the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations (CFCSA) and is delivered through member associations that have a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to serve as the Authority Having Jurisdiction to grant COR® in their respective province/territory.
Each CFCSA member association grants COR® Certification to employers, monitors compliance with program requirements and serve as an employer’s main point of contact for all operational aspects related to COR® in their respective province/territory. CFCSA member associations have the flexibility to include additional requirements tailored to their industry, province, or territory within their respective COR® accreditation program.
NOTE: COR® must be granted by the Authority Having Jurisdiction in each of the provinces/territories you work. A straightforward process is available to companies that have achieved COR® and would like to request equivalency/reciprocity in another jurisdiction.
Occupational health and safety interventions, including regulatory approaches, programs, and management systems, are key strategies for reducing worker injury and illness.
Certificate of Recognition (COR®) audit programs use voluntary audit-based certification as a way of recognizing or encouraging effective OHS practices. COR® programs provide premium rebates to employers who meet certain occupational health and safety management benchmarks or who have implemented a return to work program for injured workers.
We conducted independent impact evaluations of the COR® programs in BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan to assess how participation has affected firms’ injury rates and health and safety experience. BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan evaluations found that certification is associated with lower injury rates. Detailed results are available in the research briefs below.
We worked with the BC Construction Safety Alliance and WorkSafeBC to assess the measurement properties of the specific COR® audit tool used in the BC construction sector and identify the elements of the audit that are most predictive of firm work injury rates, with the goal of improving the design, delivery, and effectiveness of the COR® program.
Research Briefs - Partnership for Work, Health and Safety
For more visit:
If you are interested in learning more about COR® or the equivalency/reciprocity process, please contact your Provincial or Territorial Construction Safety Association below: